Shelley Yampolsky

“This image is a tribute to the courage of every person who flees for safety, and for each person who helps shelter another...”


Shelley Yampolsky

“For me, the ark is a symbol of hope for the future. At this time in our world, it is imperative to hold on to hope.”


Shelley Yampolsky

“I continue to hope for peace, for healing, for justice in these challenging times. The dove, like the Noah's Ark image, reminds me to continue to hope for all of us.”


Kei Yano


Kei Yano


Michelle Zacharias

“It’s old-fashioned charm contrasts with the political images but yet the words provide an edge, a different kind of political statement that equates with the others but is more subtle. Is she talking to the animals? Is someone talking to her? Or, are adult predators being told not to touch her and her innocence or that of the animals?”


Maryam Zaraimajin

'“[I chose this image] because that’s how I imagine myself during my childhood.”


Yimi Zheng


Yimi Zheng

“My grandma used to tell me a story of her and her brother during the Japanese invasion. When they heard of the incoming Japanese troops, she went hiding in the village temple to avoid being found by the Japanese soldiers. One of her brothers, failed to find a place to hide and never return home after that day. I want to do this embroidery as it will serve as a reminder to people of the pain thar Chinese people endured during WWII.”

Catherine Heard